Declining CVD Risk in Patient Dashboard

If a practice wants to be able to record that a patient has declined to have a CVD risk assessment, this can be recognised in Patient Dashboard but is typically not implemented as part of the routine install (as PHOs generally discourage having the ability to record a declination for CVD Risk).

To set this up correctly, complete the following steps in order.

  1. Make sure that the screening term being used to record CVD risk (e.g. CVR or CVDRSK) has an outcome defined that means "Declined".  (Setup → Recall/Screening → Screening Terms, open the screening term, and then the "Outcomes" tab).  Add a new outcome code if one does not already exist.

  2. Make sure that the following concepts exist and are mapped correctly (Setup → Advanced Forms → Concept Map, Procon publisher code):
    • must be mapped to the outcome of the screening term with a concept type of "Text Value"
    • must be mapped to the outcome of the screening term with a concept type of "Observation Date.

  3. Run the "Patient Dasboard Customise" form and check the settings for Cardiovascular Risk:
    • Make sure that "Declined" is ticked for the outcome code used to record a declination.
    • Make sure that the correct outcome code is recorded for the blue button.

  4. Logout and and login to Medtech.

  5. Test that you can use the blue button to record a declination and that this is showing as a blue traffic light once recorded.